Social Media Strategy: A Case Study with DCMS

A marketing strategy for Crown Representative for VCSEs


We had the privilege of collaborating with the UK's Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) on a transformative social media strategy DCMS project. The challenge was to develop  a marketing strategy that would target two distinct audiences: civil servants/commissioners and organisations in the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise sector (VCSEs). Our goal was to make these audiences understand the value of working together with the UK Government, encouraging them to adapt their commissioning behaviours for the greater good.

What we did

  1. Understanding the Audience: One of the foundational pillars of effective social media marketing is understanding your target audience. In this case, we had two diverse groups: civil servants/commissioners and VCSEs. Our approach began with comprehensive research to grasp their motivations, pain points, and communication preferences. Armed with this insight, we were ready to craft messages that would resonate.
  2. Clear Messaging and Motivational Communications: The power of plain English cannot be underestimated. To bridge the gap between these two distinct groups, we developed clear and concise messaging. These messages were designed to not only increase understanding but also motivate behaviour change. Our aim was to make it crystal clear why collaboration between civil servants and VCSEs was not just beneficial but crucial for the greater good.
  3. Event Material: In addition to our digital efforts, we also produced materials that can be used at internal and external events. This was a key component of our strategy to foster engagement and understanding. This involved advising and consulting with speakers to ensure their presentations were engaging and effective.
  4. Social Media Expertise: A strong social media presence was paramount in reaching our target audiences. We used platforms like Twitter to disseminate our messaging effectively. This was especially crucial given the public sector context of the project, and our previous experience in this domain played a pivotal role.


Engaging Charities and Social Enterprises

  • We defined clear objectives aligned with government priorities such as "Levelling Up" and fostering a strong and sustainable VCSE sector.
  • Key messages were drafted for various channels, including Twitter, blogs, GOV.UK pages, and LinkedIn.
  • Engaging content, including tailored presentations, blog posts, and tweets, resulted in increased engagement and understanding among our target audience.

Presentation to Government Commercial Staff

  • We created an engaging presentation showcasing the value of commissioning public services from charities and social enterprises designed to be delivered to government commercial staff. This presentation received positive feedback and demonstrated the potential of the VCSE sector.

Webinar Series

  • We created a proposal for a webinar series promoting VCSE readiness to apply for government contracts in targeted sector segments.

Our collaboration with DCMS proved to be a success. Through strategic social media marketing, event planning and clear messaging, we were able to bridge the gap between two distinct worlds and pave the way for a more collaborative future.

Ready to elevate your social media marketing strategy and achieve transformative results? Contact us today to discover how we can help you!



Influencer Marketing: a guide to effective campaigns

Over the past months, companies have had to adapt to the “new normal” of consumerism, and we have seen a significant rise in the use of influencer marketing as part of many businesses' social media strategies. However many business owners are still unaware of how beneficial influencers can be to their marketing strategy. 

What is Influencer marketing? 

Influencer marketing is a method of social media marketing in which brands collaborate with an online influencer to market their services or improve brand recognition. By doing this, influencer marketing helps businesses to increase their reach and gain the trust of their customers, thereby boosting social media engagement and sales.  

Here are a few tips on how to create a successful influencer marketing campaign: 

  1. Be clear about your goal

The most important aspect of creating a successful influencer campaign is to be clear about what you want the outcome of the campaign to be. In order to successfully do this, you need to set attainable goals, including: 

  • Identifying your target audience
  • Setting a budget 
  • Setting the desired outcome

2. Choosing the right influencers for you 

Before choosing influencers to collaborate with, it is key that you consider what the right “face” for your company’s brand looks like. Does their online presence reflect your values? Do they talk about topics relevant to your own target audience?

These are all questions you must ask yourself when deciding which influencers to work with. 

As well as this, CEO World identified 16 different types of influencers, so making sure you have the right one for your brand is important. 

3. Pay attention to engagement. 

Similar to choosing the right influencer for your brand, paying attention to an influencer's engagement is very important for your influencer marketing strategy. For example, a micro or nano influencer with an engaged follower base could be more beneficial to your brand than a model with millions of followers who are most likely not following them for their product reviews. 

What to avoid

A mistake that companies often make when collaborating with influencers is assuming that in return for payment, influencers will give glowing reviews of your products and services. 

While it would be nice if this were the case, influencers giving false reviews of products can harm their integrity, and cause them to lose the trust they have built with their followers. 

As such, it is important for you as a brand to give your influencers creative freedom as well as taking on the criticisms they may give your products so that you can improve them. 

Are you considering an influencer marketing campaign for your business? Get in touch with us today.